Tuesday, October 16 - Hours: 10am - 3pm; (9 - 10am Friends of the Library members only)
Wednesday, October 17 - Hours: 9am - 3pm; $2-a-bag sale starts at 1pm
Great used books at incredible prices! The Friends of the Library will host their Fall Book Sale for two days. A variety of books will be available from bestsellers, romance, and mysteries to science, art, history and computers. Most books sell for $1.00. The sale will culminate with a "2-dollar-a-bag" sale from 1 - 3pm on the second day. Anyone may join the Friends of the Library prior to the book sale to take advantage of the first day one hour "pre-sale" exclusive for Friends members. The sale will be held inside of the library, with entry from the outside door. Metered parking is available in Lot E (take Merrimac Way to the southwest corner of campus). Please call (714) 432-0202 x21058 for further details.