Monday, February 13, 2012

Library Workshops for Spring

The library will be holding workshops starting March 7th. These 60 minute extra-credit workshops, held in the library's lecture room, will teach library and information research skills using print and electronic resources. They will also introduce the library's services and resources. Extra credit slips will be available if requested by your teacher.
Here is the schedule for Spring 2012:

  • Wednesday, March 7, 11 am - noon
  • Wednesday, March 7, 6 pm - 7pm
  • Thursday, March 8, 11 am - noon
  • Thursday, March 8, 6 pm - 7pm
  • Saturday, March 10, 11am - noon
  • Wednesday, May 2, 11 am - noon
  • Wednesday, May 2, 6 pm - 7pm
  • Thursday, May 3, 11 am - noon
  • Thursday, May 3, 6 pm - 7pm
  • Saturday, May 5, 11am - noon
For more information, visit our web site: